Home » Resort Black list » CABO VILLAS Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Cabo Villas

  Legal Name:
Cabos Villas Beach Resort & Spa
  Rental Companies:
Cabo Villa Rental Program

Common Complaints:

  • Terrible customer service.
  • Salespeople offer clients false promises

Cabo Villas Phone number
1-800-745-2226 USA & Canadá
(831) 724-5800

To receive more information about Cabo Villas timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Read what other timeshare scam victims say:
120 Complaints
  • Robert ZApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    My Wife and I have a timeshare at Cabo Villas Resort in Cabo. We purchased it in 2007 . We were lied to at the time of our purchase and would like to be rid of it. We are ready to just give it back.

  • ShirleyApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    I have already paid more than $15,000.00 and want out of this 30 yrs contract because it was a complete fraud . They lied about everything including the 1 free week they had promised for 30 yrs but now the contract states that is is for only 4 free weeks during the whole 30 yrs

  • CynthiaApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    My husband and I along with my another couple feel we are victims of fraud in buying our timeshare. Much that you say in your articles about scams has been true for us. We feel we can trus no one. Our case is that we bought in November waiting for all the information in mail and then getting suspicious of the sale started to make inquiries. Everything in writing is true to the contract but it is all the unwritten benefits that were promised that turned out to be lies.

  • MarianApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    Tengo un Timeshare en  Casa Dorada Deseo cancelar este contrato ya que ahora que trato de utilizar los benificos no son como se me ofrecieron. Di unos $3000 de momento y llevo 1 año pagando y envio todos los meses $400. El mes pasado no lo pague.

  • MaryApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    We currently have a CV timeshare and we are disgusted with them. We were lied to thru out the whole process.

  • Rosa VApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    I'm sure you've heard a dozen times, in 2006 my husband and I were presured into this timeshare and we have felt helpless erver since. They convinced us to open a credit card account to pay for the contract,and needless to say we have never been able to pay the c.c acount off and know they are referring the maintenace fee to a creditor.

  • BryceApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    I was pressured into buying a time share Mar. 20 in Cabo, and then tonight I got pressured into paying upfront for a Time share contract cancellation service! God, what a nightmare. I've never felt so stupid in all my life!

  • TonyApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    Estamos muy eneojados porque nada de los qe nos prometieorn, viene en nuestro contrato.Fuimos tontos al no leer completamente el contrato cuando lo firmamos , pero de verdad que estas perosnas abusivas, no le dan chance a u no ni de ir al baño. muhco menos de leer el contrato, porque uno se da cuenta de todas las mentiras que le estan diciendo.  Tenemos 6 meses pagando las mensualidades, pero estamos muy inconformes, los precios que nos dijeron son muy diferentes a demas las promocione spor las qu enos convenicieorn a comprar no existen segun ellos, no tendriamos que pagar nada extra y ya qu enos comuicaron no sdicen qu eno aplica, pagamos mucho dinero y no recibiremos NADA de lo que nos prometieron.

  • Patricia JApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    I have a Cabo timeshare I would love to cancel.  They lied us and we feel very frustated. We have been paying on it for the last 4 years and will have it paid off in Nov. I havent paid the 2011 maintenance fee yet and would like to cancel it before i have to.

  • JorgeApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    Como puedo cancelar un acuerdo de tiempo compartido con Cabo Villas aún no lo termino de pagar. el acuerdo e spor mas de veinte mil colares y solo he pagado siente mil.  esperaba poder recibir algo de dinero como para estas fechas y poder terminar de pagar, pero las cosas no salieron como  lo contemplaba.  A mi tambien me dijeron que con dinero que iba a ganar podia pagar la membresia y todavia tener ganancias, me siento presionado y no tengo ningun plan alterno, no tengo para pagar un abogado y ya excedi el periodo dictado por la ley.

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