Home » Resort Black list » VELAS VALLARTA Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Casa Velas Hotel Boutique, Velas Vallarta Suite Resort & Convention Center, Grand Velas All Suites & Spa Resort Riviera Maya, Grand Velas All Suites & Spa Resort Riviera Nayarit.

  Legal Name:
Desarrollos Turisticos de la Costa S.A. de C.V., Promotora Turistica Las Velas S.A. de C
  Rental Companies:
Sierra Rentals and Resales
Hotel Representatives:
Cheryl Manaker, Monica Dellagrave

Common Complaints:

  • Claim to sell fractional ownerships instead of timeshares, but in reality they are not deeded properties, just contracts for timeshare weeks.
  • Salesperson claims that all travel expenses would be a tax write off against the property ownership because it is a fractional ownership.
  • Salesperson claims that Sierra will rent out their timeshare weeks for a profit. Sierra charges a listing fee, but then never rents the weeks, and they stop answering the phone.
  • Many clients have received calls from Sierra about a year after their purchase stating that they have a buyer for their Velas Vallarta property. They are told that they just need to pay for the title search and taxes into an escrow account and then they money from the buyer will be released to the seller. The seller wires the money to the escrow company, and then never hears from them again.
  • Offer an annuity program where clients are promised to get their full investment back after 25 years if they pay an extra 5-7% of the purchase price to Lloydshare, the third party company that organizes the annuity.

Velas Vallarta Phone number:

Reservations: 1-877-418-2859
Agencies (USA & Canadá): 1-888-210-9590
Agencies (México): 01-800-685-2048

To receive more information about Velas Vallarta Timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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117 Complaints
  • MarilynApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    I was scammed by Velas and Sierra trying to sell my Velas Vallarta time share.  They made me several promises and I spent hundred of dollars. There any way to cancel my contract and get my money back?

  • Jimmy SApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    I purchased a small package at Velas Vallarta. After reading through the paper work, I can see I didn't end up with the same deal they were offering at the table. They also made several references to renting and significant revenue from owning the property.

  • KarlaApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    Mi hermana fue de vacacione scon todoa su familia y la indujeron a ocmprar un tiempo compartido, dice  que practicamente los obligaorn a comprar y no los dejaban abandonar el lugar,y que como les dijeron que si no estaban muy satisfechos podia cancelar  el contrato en el momento que quisieran. pensaron qu ela manera rapida de salir de la presentacion era firmando el contrato, asi que lo hicieron y cuando quisieron cancelar su contrato al siguiente día nadie queria atenderlos y no saben que hacer, en lugar de tener una vacaciones para disfrutar dice que fueorn una pesadilla porque se la pasaron averiguando como cancelar el contrato. me parece una injuticia y me preocupa ver a mi hermana tan preocupada porque no sabe como deshacerce del dichoso contrato.

  • ThomasApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    I've been called by Market value properties. They are saying they have a person looking to rent weeks of my timeshare at Velas Vallarta resort in Porto Vallarta. This person will put $100,000 into an escrow account and then the escrow co. will pay me the proceeds minus the future maintaince fees and the 8% comission to market value properties. I don't pay any upfront fees. It sounds to good to be true,what do you think?

    • n lowrieApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

      Run! It is a scam. I too have the same too good to be true. Think of it this way.....people are selling their time shares for a dollar on redweek.com.... why would they be willing to pay us more?

  • RogerApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    Help! I was pressured into buying a time share Jan. 25 in Vallarta, and then tonight I got pressured into paying upfront for a TS contract cancellation service! God, what a nightmare. I've never felt so stupid in all my life!

  • CarolApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    Purchased at Casa Velas and turns out to be a complete scam.It is not what they said it was going to be. Rental weeks were never sold as promised. I just want to get a return of my money.

  • NikkiApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

     I did purchase my Time-share at Velas Vallarta Pto. Vallarta-Mexico on March 17, 2008 . It was for 15 years to be used every other year. This was put on my Bank of America Mastercard, the amount was $9,000 for a studio, for one week per year. The salesperson  did get me to purchase membership for $700 with Sierra Resort  for them to sell my old Timeshare. Before getting this membership, I did ask him are these people honest and reliable. He told me they will take care of me. Then I spoke to a Ms. Jenney Lopez using the salesperson cell-phone. I gave her my mastercard charge over the phone to join. But back in March/2009, I was contacted by Sierra Resort about an offer to sell my Velas Vallarta time-share for $17,000. I would get at least $13,000.00 because my first use of the time-share wouldn't be until 2010. I had $2,000 put on my mastercard to cover the closing costs. Also many months later additional $800 was sent Aug/2010  to cover additional taxes they found. I did pay my 2010 maint. fee of $700 for the year thinking the time-share would be sold. But never did use it at all. I did file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. After trying by telephone, mail, and fax but to no avail in contacting Sierra Resort. I did have contact with a Ms. Monica Dallegrave Corporarate Representative Velas Resorts Group at Velas Vallarta about this matter. I also just contacted her days ago. She was sent a photo-copy of my Bank of America Mastercard June/ 2008 statement for the purchase of the Time-share at Velas Vallarta. Ms. Dallegrave said that Velas Vallarta didn't know anything about this company called Sierra Resort. But the same telephone number appears next to it. As does the Desarrollos telephone number. It was a stupid mistake in trusting this company called Sierra Resort.

  • AdamApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    My wife and I just returned to USA after our trip in Cancun I began my due-diligence and researched Velas Vallarta I am incredibly upset to find message boards like this! We paid a deposit of $5125 USD in exchange for 4 weeks per year that we signed over to Velas Vallarta as "marketing weeks." We were told we would be paid $1500 USD per week in exchange for allowing the resort to use the time for marketing purposes, for a total of $6000 USD per year. When I returned home, I received a call, from , the manager who supervised our sale. He notified me that the cheque would be coming shortly and that I will be contacted by the broker company  within 15 days. No such contact has occurred. I have already emailed profeco and I am awaiting contact from them.

  • RogerApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    We got to go to Velas Vallarta It was horrible. They insulted us also. We were there for 4 hours. Don't get involved people! They are the biggest ripp-off scams! Stay away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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