Home » Resort Black list » PUNTA PACIFICO, Encanto Bahía Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Punta Pacifico, Encanto Bahía fractional ownership, Diamond Bay by Bloom

  Legal Name:
Compania Hotelera Nadia S.A. de C.V.
  Resort sales locations
  Rental Companies:
Phoenix Vacation Property Management, Premier Vacations, Swap Global Vacations
Hotel Representatives:
Alfredo Marcq, Vladimir Jimenez.

Punta Pacifico o Encanto Bahía is a small, relatively new resort in Mazatlan, Mexico. It is only partially built, and they are selling units on a pre-construction basis. The clients often complain about their lack of compliance with the 5 day cancellation policy and their lack of availability to book when they want to use it. They also use rental and resale scams to increase their sales.

Common Complaints:

  • Salesperson claims that they prefer if the client does not use the timeshare week. Punta Pacifico o Encanto Bahía offers to pay the client a high rental price per week for the next five years to not stay at that particular resort because they wanted to keep as many units available as possible to have enough rooms available for other prospective buyers who might come to view the property.
  • Punta Pacifico o Encanto Bahía uses resale agents that guarantee the sale of an old timeshare within a 90-120 day period. They promise high resale prices, so that they can induce buyers into purchasing larger amounts for their Punta Pacifico/ENcanto Bahía timeshare package.
  • Have clients sign a Cardholders Acknowledgement that states "I realize and understand that the earnest money deposit I have credited towards my purchase contract is non-cancellable and non-refundable, as my purchase agreement has no provisions for a rescission period." This statement is in opposition to the 5 day rescission period allowed by Mexican Law.

Punta Pacifico o Encanto Bahía Phone number:
Toll free 1866 978 6826
mex. 6699 101400

To receive more information about Punta Pacifica Timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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116 Complaints
  • LoriMay 21, 2013, 5:27 pm

    My family went to Mazatlan for the first time 12/12. We were approached by a very nice gentleman that asked if we would be willing to attend a time share presentation in return we would get $150 dollars US and breakfast. We originally said no, but he went on to tell us about his family and he only gets paid if someone attends the presentations. We reluctantly said yes. We met the next day and he took us to La Jolla, right before we pulled in to LaJolla he told us he had to ask us something and had prayed about it the night before. He asked if we would be willing to take $100 so he could have $50 to support his family, of course we said yes (I feel this was a scam too). We met with a very nice female for the presentation and again no intentions of buying. She then told us about using our points for airline tickets and had a laminated sheet that had how many points needed for airline tickets. We negotiated some, got more points, no maintenance fee's and were told that they work with a company that would purchase our current time share for $30,000. We were guaranteed that within 90 days we would have $30000 in our account. I asked multiple times how I would get the airline tickets and plan my vacations. I was told over again and again that I was buying La Jolla points and that all I had to do was call the toll free number to La Jolla and they would take care of everything for me, the airline tickets and my accommodations. We were shown a catalog of places we could go and also told that if we wanted to go somewhere that was not listed to just call and they could probably find someplace for us. I had a credit card with me, but no intention of purchasing so when we decided to purchase I said I had to get a different card. They got me a taxi and the lady we were dealing with went back to my resort with me. My husband and kids stayed there and looked around. On our drive to and from the resorts we talked about our families and she invited us to dinner one of her favorite restaurants. We finished the purchase and left. That night we did meet for dinner and she took care of the bill. We had a nice dinner and good conversation. I wanted to get airline tickets and plan our first vacation using LaJolla points. I called La Jolla which is what I was told all I would have to do. I was informed from La Jolla that I needed to work with HSI. I called HSI and tried to use my points for airline tickets and that does not work. I explained to HSI that I wanted to use my points and was told that does not work that my points were for La Jolla, I could trade some points in, but regardless it was still going to cost me money. I asked for our money back but that is not an option, they offered me more points, but to me they are useless. I am very embarrassed that I was taken in by this scam.

  • BBoopMay 6, 2013, 7:20 pm

    I purchased in December 2012 under the guise that TPS Atlanta would purchase an old timeshare that I had for $27,500. That was more than double what I paid for it. Upon my return to Canada I discovered that this was a scam. I had my credit card company dispute this transaction and four months later they were successful. Shame on you Jaime, Alfredo, Manuel and Rochelle for your dishonesty and lies. You truly leave a bad taste in my mouth and a little less respect in my heart for Mexicans.

  • carole chamberlainApril 28, 2013, 6:30 pm

    we attended a presentation friday april 26 2013. Alfredo offered to buy all of our 4 timeshares and guaranteed we'd receive $122,000 within 30 days. That's more than we paid for them! Of course we had to buy a timeshare at his ugly little property. That, and promises of no maintenance fees, airfare with points, etc had us thinking WOW. It was all very convincing and believable but TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. That night, back at our hotel, we researched online and found lots of complaints. We called our credit card company and told them we had been scammed! They listed it as stolen/lost and did not forward payment to Lajolla! Whew!! Close call.

  • Jun C.Marzo 26, 2013, 10:23 am

    We, too, got scammed with over $10000 for selling the current timeshare and buy La Jolla's and never got the money back. We have to organize a class action lawsuit against these liars and stop them from doing such business.

  • ReturntoosoonJanuary 6, 2013, 3:52 pm

    The La Jolla resort is run by dishonest individuals. We bought in and returned the next day for a refund because we realized we were scammed. We had to fight to get in. We were lied to again when we were assured that we should check out VIP vacations. Give it a chance and then they would promise to refund all our money. No questions asked. The manager shook our hands. Gave us his promise and word. He said we could trust in the situation. We believed again. So stupid. I guess we really wanted to see the best in the situation. We checked out VIP. It was all fake. So we asked for our money back. We were told yes and then we waited and waited. After a dozen calls....still no money. And nothing to show for what we invested. A total scam. They got us once, but never again.

  • Another ripped off CanadianDecember 17, 2012, 2:36 pm

    We recently "Upgraded" at La Jolla because we were sold on using our POINTS to pay for airfare and being able to use at other resorts through HSI. ha Ha on us. The points from La Jolla are not given to HSI. HSI does nothing with La Jolla. We are also not able to use the airfare option - points don't mean a thing.
    Your points not used for 2012 will be transferred over to 2013. If you don't use them within 2013 - you loose them ad you can only use them to rent units at La Jolla.
    They also indicated you can use your points in Puerto Vallarta - guess what. Not that easy. They book at a couple resorts but you get what's left after those resorts service all their folks. You can probably guess how easy you will get this. NOT.
    Also you can bet the NEW MANAGEMENT is a joke. The same BIG GUY enforcer is still there smoothly pushing the crap and sucking in folks daily.
    What we did find heartening was that they had only 2 or 3 victims each day to give their presentations to so maybe folks are getting smarter. Wish we would have been smarter and kept our money in our pockets.

  • Louis MonarchDecember 14, 2012, 3:11 pm

    The 'announcements' that La Jolla Mazatlan complaint have decreased has to be a lie. I call regularly trying to get anything out of them in return for the huge amount of money they scammed from us last winter, but they always promise to return my call and never do. I have tried to wait on the phone, but it does no good. Anyone who tries to deal with this company is going to be unhappy. I now keep paying interest on the money I borrowed on their promise to return it within 120 days and I know I may as well admit that I have been a fool and that I will never see my money again. And the wonderful travel system they promised to introduce us to which would give us upgrades and great locations? Not one word.

  • HazelDecember 4, 2012, 5:59 am

    We got the same story at La Jolla - they would get buyers for our other timeshares within 120 days - well, that is long past and not one word from them! I am hoping we can salvage something out of this if HSI still operates and we can trade our weeks for somewhere else, due to a points account. Has anyone else tried to use HSI? It seems Swap Global - who was to sell the other timeshares - is no longer in business, phone is out of service and no one answers emails.

  • HazelDecember 4, 2012, 5:58 am

    We got the same story at La Jolla - they would get buyers for our other timeshares within 120 days - well, that is long past and not one word from them! I am hoping we can salvage something out of this if HSI still operates and we can trade our weeks for somewhere else, due to a points account. Has anyone else tried to use HSI? It seems Swap Global - who was to sell the other timeshares - is no longer in business, phone is out of service and no one answers emails.

  • landesAugust 2, 2012, 12:59 pm

    Add us to the list. I sure wish we had seen all of these complaints before we went to the presentation, but we were not planning to go and certainly not planning to purchase anything. We were duped by the same promises to buy our existing 2 timeshares within a 10 day period and they even went so far as to send us "contracts" signed by "buyers" Donald Smith and Robert Campbell. As soon as I got home 3 days later I researched La Jolla, the company that sent us the bogus contracts and all the scams that have been perpetrated on others. Our story is the same as everyone else. I immediately sent notice via email, return receipt requested, UPS and registered mail (at significant expense I might add) that we wished to cancel the contract immediately per Mexican law as we are still within the 5 day window. I carbon copied my credit card company and Profeco, the Mexican consumer protection agency. Then started the delay tactics - they tried to get us to believe that they were still planning to sell our timeshares and that they had legitimate buyers - even going so far as to say they would send us the money before they got our documentation because they were "trusting us" that we would send the required documentation! Seriously! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! We reiterated our desire to cancel. We were promised that a customer service rep would call us back that afternoon. Shockingly, no one called. We tried to call the customer service number they gave us. It was out of service. I finally got a hold of someone who told me that since we had cc'd Profeco that the matter was turned over to their legal department and it was now between Profeco and their legal department. I explained that I had not filed a complaint, simply wanted it on record that the cancellation request was sent and received. No matter. I then asked for a name or phone number for the legal department but none was forthcoming. They told me that the legal department was "outsourced" and when pressed for more information, the man on the phone got annoyed and refused to speak with me any further. The sales manager's name is Alfredo Marcq and while I read a post that he was no longer with La Jolla, I can assure you that as of one week ago he was very much still there and still making all the same false promises.I have now filed a formal complaint with Profeco and with my credit card company and am just hoping that we can get our money back. I have lost sleep over this. I have not been eating. I just can't believe how easily we were duped. It feels like such a violation. Buyer beware!! If it seems to good to be true, it is!

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