Pacifica Resorts
- Legal Name:
- Inmobiliaria LR, S. A de C.V.
- Resort sales locations
- Ixtapa
- Hotel Representatives:
- Myriam Denisia, Lety Rey
Common Complaints:
- Pacifica has increased their maintenance fees at higher rates than were outline in their contracts.
- All of their clients were imposed Special Assessments on one or several occasions which, in effect, doubled their yearly maintenances fees without stating the specific reason for the additional assessment fee.
- Salesperson misrepresents the value of the property and resale value if the client decides to sell in the future
- They are threatening to send owners to collections or sue for damages.
- High pressure sales and extensive delay tactics
- Salespeople offer clients false promises
If after reading these complaints you are interested in knwing how to cancel a Pacific resorts Ixtapa membreship, we invite you to contact us and receive a free consultation
Pacifica Resorts phone number
Teléfono: (55) 5487-5200, (55) 4160-9000
Interior de la República 01 (800) 221-5830
Ciudad de México (55) 4160-9000 y 4160-9217
Interior de la República (01 800) 223-2323
Fax Cobranza 4160-9145
Customer service & reservations
México (55) 4160-9160
Interior de la República (01 800) 221-5830
If for some reason you are thinking about purchasing a time share, just walk away from that thought right now!
I have to say that the service at Pacifica, it's horrible.
PLEASE, do yourself a favor, do not get scammed in like I have been. Stay away from them
Another lesson learned here is that you should NEVER send any funds to anyone until you have read and signed all contracts.
i'm not gonna pay for it no more. How can i get rid of this timeshare?
i'm not gonna pay for it no more. How can i get rid of this timeshare?
This will not happen. They will take your money and you will get nothing but headaches in return. They are dangerous people!!
Ahora que estoy leyendo estos comentarios, me alegro de no haber adquirido la membresia.cuando acepte la invitación todo estuvo perfecto hasta que el vendedor valadez q me toco empezó a ofender cuando no podía convencerme , diciendo que tenia clientes de membresias de 195000 usd que no tenia porque preocuparse x clientes de membresias de 87000 mxn que me regresaba mis vacaciones y se levanto de la mesa sin siquiera despedirse, entre otras pedanterias que decia
They treat my wife and me like thief, because we accept the invitation from one of their people, and we have been there before, they star shouting at us in front of everybody.
Necesito me asesoren en cancelar mi Membresia en pacífica ixtapa llevo pagado más de la mitad en dos años y no han cumplido lo prometido