Home » Resort Black list » MAYAN PALACE Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Sea Garden Hotels, Mayan Palace Beach & Golf Resorts, The Grand Mayan, The Bliss resorts, the Grand Bliss Resorts, Mayan Island Real State, Vidanta.

  Legal Name:
Comercializadora y Servicio de Turismo S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo, Marina Vallarta S.A.d
  Resort sales locations
Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Cabo, Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point)
  Resort collections
Summit Opportunities, LLC, Houston, TX
  Rental Companies:
Global Golf Connections, Continental Connections, Global Marketing Systems, Alliance Integrated Marketing Systems (AIMS), My Vacation Brokers, Imperial Property Management, Destinations International, Embassy Vacation Pro

This topic might be interesting to you if you’re considering going out for vacation and buying a timeshare in Mexico. First of all, you’ve got to know what you’re getting into since there’s been a lot of people in the past having complaints about one resort specifically.

You should beware of scams and get informed before buying a timeshare or vacation plan especially when getting unexpected charges at the time of your reservation. Mayan Palace timeshare sales in their resorts it’s a good example of what has been happening.

Located in many states in Mexico, Mayan Palace resorts offer nice and spacious rooms as well as different outdoor activities such as golf, tennis and entertainment for children, and of course high level restaurants.

But as for the tactics sellers use to close a deal on timeshare and or vacation clubs, may leave visitors with a bad experience. This has caused a great wave of mayan palace timeshare reviews in the most famous tourism blogs like Trip Advisor. Also on Mayan Palace’s selling company has a bad reputation, as you can see in Sitejabber. They’re not necessarily good ones.

If you look up the resort, the Mayan Palace timeshare scam is a relevant theme due to the high number of complaints by lots of clients.

mayan palace timeshare reviews

Mayan Palace Timeshare Complaints:

Common complaints about Mayan Palace timeshare experiences

  • The salesperson will claim that they can resell the client's previously owned timeshare for a large sum of money and the purchase of the Mayan timeshare will be covered by this resale.
  • Salesperson offers an equity exchange or trade-in program.
  • The salesperson says that they will rent out their Mayan weeks for a large profit and issue a check to the client within a few months so that they can pay off the timeshare with the rental income.
  • Many clients have complained that when they go to cancel within the 5 day period, they tell them that their deposit is non-refundable, and they are then persuaded into a downgraded membership.

Many clients have complained that when they go to cancel within the 5 day period, they tell them that their deposit is non-refundable, and they are then persuaded into a downgraded membership.

mayan palace timeshare

How they operate
Normally, a Mayan Palace timeshare scam occur in the following way: Many people claim a sales person offers to have a long chat especially with American couples about how wonderful is to share a private place to stay every time you come to Mexico and give you a tour on the units that are supposed to be available for timeshare. Turns out people obtain a really different unit.

The sales person will never inform you of the 5 day period you have to cancel the purchase contract. Not to mention, they lie that the contract cannot be voided after it is signed. Which is a major typical indicator of the Mayan timeshare scam.

They also tend to persuade the client to level up in the resort membership, in case the client is not enrolled in one, the sales person will push them to become members at least.

They will ask if they own another timeshare that they no longer use and will tell them that Mayan Palace will sell it to lower the price of the current timeshare that the client is buying, but in reality they let people end up with the debt of both timeshares.

If you’ve been a victim of such a thing as a mayan palace timeshare scam, you can agree with most people that complained about the pressure they put you under.

Re-selling of timeshare scam
Even in the re-selling of properties, the mayan timeshare scams continue to be a great topic on review blogs.

mayan timeshare scams

The reselling fraud happens when a scammer contacts you by phone (most of the time) to claim they have someone interested in buying your timeshare at that moment. So they ask you to transfer money to cover sale expenses such as fees for the resale company or maintenance fees.

Only for you to end up stuck with the timeshare and scammed with thousands of dollars on the “fees” you paid for

Besides checking on the Mayan palace timeshare reviews, we advise owners to be wary of the following situations which may lead to fraud.

· Service offers made by a reseller, if it promises a significant return on the sale especially.
· A resale company that says the area of your property is in high demand and has an incredible number of potential buyers looking for timeshare units.
· A reseller who promises to modify or cancel the owner's contractual obligation to the complex in which the timeshare property is located.

The following tips will help you protect your investment if planning on buying a Mayan Palace timeshare:
Look up the reseller’s name on the web and check his background. Click on official sources for complaints about the person. Also Mayan palace timeshare reviews can help you on this one.

Ask about the promotion and strategies of advertising the reseller will do on the unit. Make sure you will be involved in the process and receiving reports. If they are simply publishing the unit on a resale list, it might not be worth it doing business with him.

One sign of a serious deal is a reseller who charges fees after the timeshare sale. If they ask you to pay an upfront fee, make sure you’ll getting a refund for it in the future. Always ask for the fees beforehand.

Get everything in writing. Read the contract carefully to ensure that it matches the verbal promises you have received. It should include the services that the reseller will run, as well as the fees they will have to pay and when. If the deal is not what you expected or wanted, do not sign the contract.

Always take your time to read the full documents before signing a contract and don’t let the sellers or resellers, put you under pressure, which is typical of the mayan timeshare scams as you can learn in the reviews.

We invite you to read the following Mayan Palace timeshare reviews and share your experiences with Mayan Palace timeshare.

To receive more information about Mayan Palace Timeshare and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

Leave your comment below and share this post on Twitter and Facebook if you like.

Write your complaint
Read what other timeshare scam victims say:
510 Complaints
  • Minerva Glez.May 30, 2015, 1:39 pm

    Considero qe esta son de las peores experiencias que he tenido en mi vida con estas personas, la vd que no imagine como me podria perjudicar esto en mi vida, mi gran error fue que no investigue como se debia , ahora estoy pagando por ello y muy caro , ni se acerquen a este resort..

  • Gonzalo SepulvedaMay 16, 2015, 12:20 pm

    Odio a estas personas, me han hecho pasar por una de las experiencias mas desagradables de mi vida, todo fue porque asisti a una presentacion de tiempo compartido donde la vd no tuve mucha opcion y accedia comprar con ellos, cosa de la cual me arrepiento muchisimo, no compren con ellos porfavor.

  • Edu L.May 4, 2015, 8:55 am

    some friends told me once that they can afford their timeshare anymore, the reason was the cost of the maintenance and another extra charges, when i talk with them the last time, they told me that actually are involved on some cancellation process , anyway , everything that sold to you doesnt mean that will going to be the same thing that they promise, be careful with those scams

  • AngelaApril 30, 2015, 5:09 pm

    I hope my two cents is still up, as there IS a way to get out of it, but you HAVE to do it THERE! They don't tell you about the 5 day time to change your mind and when you do, be repared to be treated like a criminal. They are ALL Sharks, doesn't matter which one

  • zadielApril 27, 2015, 1:05 am

    A estas personas les gusta abusar de la confienza de los otros, fui estafado vilmente por ellos en mazatlan , me hicieron mil promesas y beneficios que jamas vi , la vd que esto de los tiempos compartidos es una pesadilla, aun estan a tiempo de ni acercarse a estos lugares, porfavor no se metan en problemas.

  • KylieApril 26, 2015, 6:21 pm

    I am definitely interested in a lawsuit against Mayan Palace - I was totally taken advantage of and a former sales person has confirmed that I was! Do you have any information on how I can start my process to cancel my timeshare? i will appreciate if you can contact me!

  • Jorge Elieser CedeñoApril 23, 2015, 8:17 am


  • AngelaApril 13, 2015, 3:01 am

    Es una gran pérdida de tiempo, no se dejen engañar. Y hay que ver el gran coraje que demuestran cuando decides no comprarles nada, despues de oirles su palabrerio por varias horas, pierden su cortesia y casi te agreden. Nos paso a nosotros justo en este resort, lo bueno es que no caimos en tanta farsa.

  • LoriApril 12, 2015, 11:19 pm

    Este resort apesta , es lo peor que me pudo aver pasado , me deje llevar por las promociones, resulto ser todo una vil mentira, aun no entiendo como fue posible que cai en su trampa , estas personas son unas estafadoras , alejense de este resort, no los recomendaria jamas!

  • shar51April 10, 2015, 3:23 pm

    We bought a Bliss Unit from Puerto Penasco Mayan Palace in 2010. We live close enough to that resort that we can drive and enjoy going there. When we purchased "the Bliss" unit, they showed us a room in the NEW construction building and told us these were going to be Bliss Units and that we would have free internet in the rooms, and access to all the pools (especially the lazy river they were building) and facilities on the entire resort and get a special golf package with a reduced price for Bliss members. This was in January 2010. For the first two years they honored the golf package. They also told us the Bliss Units were a little 'over' the Grand Mayan, but very close and we could go to any Resort that had Bliss or Grand Mayan Units and have all our benefits. Of course the Bliss Units and Grand Mayan Units were not built yet and the new construction was still going on so as far as we knew there was no problem. Then in 2014 we began having trouble with our promised golf package of $49 dollars and they told us we needed to go to a sales meeting, of course we told them that was not part of our contract and we didn't go and they didn't honor our golf package.. We complained about that and next time brought our golf certificate, that was very cleverly worded to say we got a 60% discount off of the price. Well when we checked the golf course prices the 60% was about $50 bucks, but when we got there, of course OH NO, not 60% off that price, but 60% off this price, which now came out to $78, still a good price, but not OUR promised deal, which verbally they told us it would never be over $50 bucks! This was the first deal breaker and LIE, but still we didn't consider that too much.. Then just this Jan. 2015 we saw the new construction on the pool area and the lazy river and some rooms were being completed and signs said it would be opening by April 2015. We went to a sales meeting to get the $49 Golf and to get some info on the new facilities. At the sales meeting we were told the Bliss Unit that we purchased was NOT going to be in the new building and when the new building and pools were completed our Bliss Membership would not have access to the new pools and facilities and we would not be entitled to free internet, we had to upgrade to the GRAND Mayan, which we were told in 2010 we were above, 'over'. This was a SHOCK to us. They totally LIED to us back in 2010, they totally misrepresented the Bliss Unit and our Bliss Package, they showed us, what they specifically said were Bliss rooms being built in the New Building and all the rooms would have in room FREE internet. We at this time thought they were making Bliss Units out of the old Mayan Units that we had been staying in for years and had been charging us for an upgrade of the same exact rooms we had supposedly upgraded from, so what did we pay $11,000 to upgrade for? After we got home and between emails about our complaints it became apparent that they NEVER intended on putting Bliss Units in there and/or they changed their mind after charging who knows how many people for a 'fraudulent' non existent Bliss upgrade at Puerto Penasco. After one of my last emails from their representative regarding our complaint, he stated in his email: "the Bliss Resort is currently open in Cancun and Nuevo Vallarta". Making it quite clear to us there were NOT going to be any Bliss Units at Puerto Penasco! That was the worst part of the LIE. They TOTALLY LIED about putting Bliss Units in Puerto Penasco, which is the ONLY resort we are interested in and drive to and go to every year!! We are NOT the least bit interested in 'The Bliss' at Nuevo Vallarta or Cancun and would NEVER, EVER have purchased a NON existent Bliss unit at Puerto Penasco had they been honest and told us the truth that they never intended on building Bliss Units in that new building!! We were very upset. We have been working with them, but they keep telling us they can't do anything because the contract is 5 years old!! I keep telling them, but the LIES, the FRAUD didn't occur until the new building was completed and you just NOW told us there were no Bliss Units in it and we didn't have access to it and that we were NOT over the Grand Mayan, so if we were unaware of the LIES and deceit and the LIE/FRAUD just became a LIE with the completion of the NEW GRAND MAYAN, HOW could we possibly have complained about something that not only we were "unaware" of, but didn't exist yet? Basically we paid $11,000 and a higher maintenance fee for absolutely NOTHING, NOTHING!! They STOLE over $11,000 dollars from us, actually STOLE it!! We feel they owe us every dime of our fraudulent upgrade back or give us a FREE upgrade to the GRAND MAYAN, would be close enough for our satisfaction. I don't know how many others bought Bliss Units at Puerto Penasco thinking they were going to have those member benefits there, but they are going to be just as surprised and upset as we are!! I have papers proving they told us the Bliss was 'over' the Grand Mayan and I have proof they told us Bliss Units were going to be in the New Building. One paper actually has LARGE BOLD print at the top saying: "The Bliss Puerto Penasco..." Now they are saying there is NO Bliss Puerto Penasco!

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