Home » Resort Black list » PUEBLO BONITO Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Pueblo Bonito, Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach, Pueblo Bonito Rose, Pueblo Bonito Pacifica, Pueblo Bonito Blanco, Samba

  Legal Name:
Operadora de Inmuebles Los Arcos S.A. de C.V.; Terra pacifica S.A. de C.V.
  Resort sales locations
Cabo, Mazatlan.
  Resort collections
Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix, AZ.
  Rental Companies:
Suite Getaway, Elite Retreat
Hotel Representatives:
Sergio Cayeros, Tele Gutierrez, David Larson, Alfredo Ramirez, Briselda Ahumada, Eugene Miller, Veronica Escamilla, Roberto Guzman, Melanie Glazier, Omar Alvarez.

In this section you will find valuable information about Pueblo Bonito Fractional ownership business. If you´re thinking or you already closed a deal on buying a timeshare in Pueblo Bonito resorts, since there is some content on importat review sites that consist of people giving their opinion about their timeshare buying experience with several resorts, including Pueblo Bonito membership reviews in the same sites.

Pueblo Bonito is known for being part of large resort chain with great status and prestige, wich owns other many resorts  dedicated to commit fraud on selling luxurious timeshare units. And same as the other resorts, it is certainly luxurious and stands for its large and beautiful buldings, offers outdoor activities such as golf, tennis, entertainment, event services and restaurants of an excellent level located all over Mexico´s most beautiful coasts.

But speaking of Pueblo Bonito fractional ownership (Pueblo Bonito Travel Club)selling it isn´t  as good as they claim to treat their guests, as we can see in the Pueblo Bonito timeshare reviews and common complaints recently made.

Common complaints:

  • Salesperson has the client sign a waiver giving up their 5 day right to cancel as it is a special one-day only offer.This is illegal in Mexico.
  • Salesperson promise to sell their old timeshare to offset the cost  of the new timeshare in the end the client is referred  to resale company that does not sell the old timeshare and the client is stuck with two timshare and the maintenance fees for both properties.
  • Complaints about Concord Pueblo Bonito & Pueblo Bonito Travel Club.

Pueblo Bonito timeshare reviews

This chain of resorts with a lot more premises around Mexico such a Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay and Pueblo Bonito Pacifica has been target of many reviews by people pointing out bad experiences buying a timeshare.

Also, on the complaint board blog you can find content about Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach timeshare in problems involving the resort.

Pueblo Bonito reviews

The list is long, an involves the rest of Pueblo Bonito resorts listed at the beggining of this section and besides timeshare reviews clients even mention problems with Pueblo Bonito membership reviews, since the scammers and sales people tend to offer a membership update that in no way will benefit the clients

How they operate

The Pueblo Bonito ownership fraud usually starts with a convincing and charming sales person. Many people clainm that the seller invites couples in particular to a meeting, so they get the timeshare concept explanation about owning and sharing a private residence with other people every timeshare they travel and stay in a Pueblo Bonito resort.

The couples have a tour in the different unit areas that are said to be available for them to pick. In the end, buyers have claimed they received quite a different unit. They also tend to persuade customers to increase the membership level of the resort , wich has been target of critics in many Pueblo Bonito membership reviews. In case of non-registered customers, the seller will convince them to at least become a member.

They will ask if they own another timeshare that they no longer use and tell them that Pueblo Bonito will sell it to lower the price of the current timeshare that the customer buy, but in reality they are leaving everyone on a big debt after signing the contract.

If you are the victim of a timeshare scam, you can agree one of the Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach timeshare problems about the pressure they put on you.

The worst part of the customers is that the seller will never teel you about the five days recession period in wich you can terminate the contract of timeshare. Not to mention that they also lie and say that it will be impossible to cancel the ccontract after signing it. This is a typical leading indicator of a timeshare scam. This las one tends to be a big complaint in the Pueblo Bonito timeshare reviews posted on Trip Advisor.

In conclusion

Like we said before, it is very well represented on the Pueblo Bonito Travel Club reviews posted online and on the common complaints listed above, that the scammer plague it´s getting bigger and bigger.

For the most part this happens in Mexico, such a beautiful and exotic country and it works because the sales people take advantage of the limited law knowledge  of foreigners and tourist while on vacation in different country. Like the case of Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach timeshare and problems that arise, not only about timeshare, but poor management and unpleasant from the staff , arter tourist reject timeshare meeting invitations.

Now, also reselling timeshare business is finding it´s way to scam and manipulate timeshare owners and convince them they could get a good amount of money for their old unit, setting up a false client with false ID documents that is ready to buy the unit at the moment. They send all tha fake information to the old unit owner, who is just ready to give it away in exchange of some "fees" for cleaning and maintenance, made up by the scammer. Finally the victim realizes he never received any money for this property and he was scammed.

If you are interested in investing in fractional ownership, we suggest you to find legitimate companies and being alert when doing business of this kind. Being alert on red flags could be a major help. Always make sure you look up the background of the seller online. In addition, it´s fair to suspect from sales people asking for an upfront fee, a trustworthy deal is made like a real state business is made.

To receive more information about Pueblo Bonito Timeshare and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Read what other timeshare scam victims say:
383 Complaints
  • Ron EdwardsApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Pueblo bonito robbed me for $36,750 US. They told me I was getting a “good deal” but it wasn’t, at all. They promised me rental income, but the only thing that I got it is a BIG debt.  I contacted some lawyers here in USA but they don’t know Mexican law and it is difficult to get back my money. If anybody knows how to recover my money, please let me know.

  • AlexApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I have a vacation membership with Pueblo Bonito which I want to cancel due to the fact that since I acquired it, I have not had the opportunity to use it. The truth is that I am not going to be able to use it.  I contacted Pueblo Bonito to see if I can cancel the contract and they said me that it is not possible to cancel, but I think that they are lying to me again.

  • RomiApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I purchased a timeshare at Pueblo Bonito. I didn´t feel comfortable with my purchase, so I decided to call the salesman and cancel the contract. He invited me to the resort to talk about it and when I was there he told me that what I had to do was upgrade my timeshare, so that´s what I did. I spent more money and I have the same problem.

  • LourdesApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Deseo cancelar mi contrato con Pueblo Bonito, creo que soy victima de un fraude y no quiero seguir regalando mi dinero. Realmente me siento  triste que en mi país hagan estas cosas y espero que muy pronto se haga algo al respecto. Ellos no me arrebataron mi bolsa en la calle, pero aun así lo que hicieron fue un robo y son igual de criminales como los que andan en la calle asaltando gente, gobierno por favor hagan algo ya.

  • Frank StuartApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    We were scammed by a Pueblo Bonito salesman, he told us that we could get a profit renting  our weeks. But he doesn´t call us nor answer our emails, since we purchased the timeshare. We know that our timeshare has not been sold yet and we have to pay the maintenance fees,  they don’t have the obligation to pay us, but we do, if we don´t want to be sent to collections.

  • Christine NucciApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    My September payment was supposed to be my last payment to Pueblo Bonito for my timeshare, but now they are asking me for more money. They told me that I have to pay some extra fees for interest because I was late on some of my payments, but that is not true. I always made my payments on time and I have the bills to prove it, but they think that they can make fun of me.

  • RamiroApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Compre una membresia en Pueblo Bonito porque creí que iba a ser buen negocio, pero cuando regrese a mi casa vi que los tiempos compartido no valen nada, bueno me refiero a que no valen nada si los quieres rentar, pero si te los venden en el hotel te cuestan carísimos, tenía planeado abrir un negocio  con ese dinero y como me dijeron que iba a gar dinero me deje llevar, ahora veo que fue como tirar mi dinero a la basura.

  • Antonio QuiñonezApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Fui fraudeado por pueblo bonito y quiero cancelar mi membresia ya me comuniqué con ellos para que me la cancelaran, porque cuando firme mi contrato mi vendedor me dijo que podía cancelarla en el momento que yo quisiera si no estaba contento con ella. Hace 3 días que llame para hacerlo me contestaron de manera muy prepotente y me dijeron que no se puede cancelar y en caso de ser así que tengo que pagarles el 50% del costo de la membresia, como si me regalaran el dinero.

  • PhilipApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I was thinking that my membership with Pueblo Bonito was cancelled until anemploymee from Pueblo Bonito called me 2 days ago and told me that he could sell my membership for $20,000 if I pay him $500.  Of course I told him that I won´t pay any money, because I know that he is a scam too, but now I´m worried because I’m not sure if my membership has been cancelled yet.

  • Ana TorresApril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Hemos pagado a  2 compañías para que  nos renten nuestras semanas de tiempo compartido y ninguna nos a conseguido algo, ya no queremos invertirle un centavo más a esta membresía, no la estamos aprovechando porque mi marido trabaja y  no podemos viajar con regularidad y  ya vimos que las rentas de tiempo compartido no es un buen negocio, lamentablemente somos unos más que cayeron en las garras del tiempo compartido.

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