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ROYAL ELITE Sandos Resorts Timeshare COMPLAINTS

Royal Elite, Royal Elite Playacar, Royal Elite Caracol, Royal Elite Sandos, Royal Elite Exchanges

ROYAL ELITE Sandos Resorts Timeshare COMPLAINTS
  Legal Name:
Sandos International S.A. de C.V
  Resort sales locations
Playa del Carmen, Caracol
  Resort collections
Monterrey Financial
  Rental Companies:
Royal Elite Exchanges, Elite Equity Transfers, Premium Timeshare Depot, Sierra Rentals and Resale’s
Hotel Representatives:
Alvin Hawkins, Joshua Michelson, Raul Martinez, Richard Quinones, Neil Cooper

Royal Elite Vacation Club complaints:

  • Salesperson claims that the all-inclusive fee is per couple, but in reality it is per person per night. Clients can often book the vacation cheaper online without using their timeshare, than with booking their timeshare and paying the maintenance fees and all-inclusive fees.
  • Claim that they can resell a previously owned timeshare for a profit and use that money to pay for the new membership at Royal Elite Vacation Club.
  • Salesperson offers extra weeks to clients for rental purposes. They claim that the rental income makes the timeshare a good financial investment, and they can use the money in the first few years to pay off the membership.
  • Salesperson claims that they can trade their weeks to RCI points, and use the points to pay for 100% of an airline ticket, when in reality RCI only allows for clients to use points for 33% of the cost of the ticket.
  • Royal Elite membership cost 

  • Reservations department

email:         reservas@royalelite.com
Mexico:  01 800 674 4444
Canada, Usa:           1 866 384 7793 Ext.3204 y 3205

Customer Service
email:             customerservice@royalelite.com
Mexico:   01 800 674 4444
Canada, Usa:           1 866 384 7793

To receive more information about Royal Elite Timeshare Complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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271 Complaints
  • MarieApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    We were victim of fraud by Sierra who was recommend by Sandos (Royal Elite). We still making monthly payment with the financial company.They lied and deceived us. Past recisision period. We are wondering if we could cancel our timeshare contract?

  • RosemarieApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    I own a timeshare at Royal Elite , Jalisco, Puerto Vallarta. Two weeks before my arrival with 12 guests I was sent Forfiture documents. I now believe I have nothing. I was forced to rent at the highest rate available, 5 x my maintenance fee per unit! This is wrong. I was devastated. This could happen to anyone. I read my contract, I knew the law. I just never believed they could be sold cold. I was left with nothing.

  • JimenaApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    Somos titularers de una membresia en el Sandos Caracol desde 2005. Nos afiliaron a RSI, HSI a Sierra, etc. Pagamos cuotas en todos ellos. El motivo de nuestra inversión, fueron las rentas que nos prometiron. Pasados unos años, no hemos recibido ninguna renta, seguimos pagando afiliaciones, ahora me piden que pague $2000 de mantenimientos.  Además  cuando quisimos hospedarnos la segunda vez que volvimos nos dieorn una habitacion muy diferente a la que nos  enseñaron cuando fuimos a la presentación.

  • JoanApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    My partner and I bought fractional ownership in Cancun, Mexico at Royal Elite . Signed contract on November 16, 2010.We have paid a deposit on our credit card of $4,326, and like most we have signed something saying we won't cancel.  Would like to cancel the contract and recuperate my money.

  • Oscar April 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    En nuestro viaje de bodas nos atraparon los vendedores de tiempo compartido de Royal Elite Sandos Caracol. gastamos casi $25,000 , compramos por promesas que nos hicieron y mas a delante nos dimos cuenta que eran totalmente falsas. Ahora ya no contestan ninguno de nuestros correos. Compramos hace menos de un mes, sabemos que existe un periodo de 5 dias para poder cancelar nuestro contrato, pero lamentablemente nos dimos cuenta muy tarde  que fuimos engañados, nos gustaria recibir asesoria y saber que podemos hacer para recuperar nuestro dinero y cancelar el contrato.

  • BrittanyApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    I have realized that we have been scammed by Royal Elite. We purchased in Nov last year. We are currently paying it but we don't use it. I cannot afford the maintenance fees .We are looking for information about how to get rid of our Timeshare.

  • FabApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    We attended a presentation at Royal Elite sales person talked a good story and convinced us his company, could sell our UVC timeshare and our RH timeshare. Once those were sold, we agreed to purchase a membership with his company for $40k USD. Of course, we had to pay a "transfer fee". The transfer fee was also supposed to be reimbursed to us on the sale of the two timeshares. All we had to do was pay the transfer fee and provide proof of ownership of the two timeshares. We provided proof of ownership, and of course the transfer fee was paid before we left the presentation. The last contact we have had with them was an email 5 months ago advising he had received all the necessary paperwork and the transfer as in process.

  • JamieApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    I need to cancel a sandos royal elite membership I signed contract on the 6th of April and emailed to cancel on the 10th April and was told someone would get back to me ASAP it is the 27th and i have not heard one word from them i paid $4,000 as down payment but really wish to get out of this contract and get my money back. Can somebody help me?

  • AaronApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    Recien compre una membresia en Royal Elite vacation club en el Hotel Sandos de Playa del Carmen y creemos que nos han engañado necesitamos ayuda para cancelar dicha membresia y recuperar nuestro dinero Muchas Gracias por su ayuda.

    • claudiaApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

      hola no puedo creer lo que leo no entiendo porque no les envian una carta documento a traves de un abogado , nadie puede obligaRTE A QUE PAGUES ALGO SI TU SITUACION ECONOMICA NO TE LO PERMITE O SI SIMPLEMENTE DECIDIS QUE YA NO LO QUERES . FIJATE QUE HAY RECURSOSO LEGALES . NADIE PUEDE OBLIGARTE A PAGAR

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