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Understanding and Adressing Mexican Timeshare FRAUD

Understanding and Adressing Mexican Timeshare FRAUD
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Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with an incredible variety of places to visit and inhabited by genuine, friendly people.

However if you’re planning to make your next vacation trip to this country, there’s something you should be aware of, and we’re not talking about the violence, but about the Mexican timeshare fraud.

In the following article, we’ll provide more details about this matter.

Mexican Timeshare Fraud: What is it?

The Mexican timeshare fraud is a scam made by a number of companies (specifically resorts and condos) through some of their employees.

They try to convince vacationists to visit their facilities by promising them a special tour with a free breakfast included, among other things.

Once these vacationers have bitten the first bait, they keep them there for hours to persuade them to buy a timeshare in their company.

And they put lots of pressure on it! But that’s just the beginning of the serious problem that represents Mexican timeshare fraud.


Mexican Timeshare Fraud – How to know you’re being a victim

You’ll know your're a victim of Mexican timeshare fraud by the tactics that the timeshare salesmen use all the time.

First, they will tell you’re making an excellent financial investment: that’s for sure! They will make an effort to make you believe you’re doing the best deal of your life.

  Another thing they will say to you is that you could make lots of money by renting the property out, and this is presented as something sure and profitable. 

What they also tell you is that, if you want to resell the property, you will do it easily and with no further problems.

So if you happen to listen to some of this promises, you better be aware, because you might become a victim of a Mexican timeshare fraud.

Mexican Timeshare Fraud – Is it legal?

mexican timeshare fraud

Timeshare in Mexico is recognized under the laws of the Mexican Republic as an available way to obtain rights to use a real state.

Nevertheless the timeshare salesmen are commonly aggressive with their sales tactics, intimidating people and pushing them to acquire a timeshare, without letting them know all the disadvantages and responsibilities that getting a timeshare property might entail.

Once they’re being misleading by not telling you such things or evading important questions, that trade becomes a Mexican timeshare fraud.

Mexican Timeshare Fraud: What to Do if You’re Already a Victim

If you’re already a victim of a Mexican timeshare fraud, you shouldn’t be hopeless, knowing that not everything is lost.

You should contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions for full advice that will help you to cancel the contract you’ve made.

You can also give your testimony to other people to aware them about this scam. Contact Mexican Timeshare Solution today in order to receive a free consultation on your timeshare matter.

To receive more information about Mexican Timeshare fraud and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Leave your comment below and share your opinion with us. To learn more about timeshare scam victims go to: Timeshare: Why The Heck Did We Signed For One?

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  • MonicaJanuary 15, 2017, 10:53 pm

    We acquired one with Villa del Palmar, totally a mess, dont get involved with them, they are TIMESHARE SCAMMERS, RIPPERS! STAY AWAY FROM VILLA DEL PALMAR !

  • SilviaOctober 5, 2015, 10:18 am

    Necesitamos tener mucho cuidado con todos estos resorts cuando nos ofrecen un tiempo compartido , de entrada haran hasta lo imposible por que asistamos a una presentacion de ellos, lo mejor es siempre decir no y no dejarnos engañar por nada del mundo

  • Paty August 24, 2015, 10:15 am

    Yes , i have some family in mexico , and i love the country , but for my bad luck , i acquire a timeshare there, actually i feel very ashamed of that but at that moment i wasnt notice , i lost a bunch of money making upgrades and stuff , but know tnx God im free, so if you are interested in acquiring a timeshare, think twice about the fees.

  • PaulaAugust 3, 2015, 5:45 pm

    I own a Royal Holiday timeshare and I simply despise them and have been conned for yrs. I decided that I am no longer going to pay for this even if it hurts my credit because it has been draining my ban k account for yrs. Can you please give me a bit of advice on what to do?

  • imemJuly 28, 2014, 9:06 am

    Why are there more cases of timeshare fraud in Mexico. Does anyone know why this happens?

  • PhilJune 30, 2014, 2:58 pm

    I have done some research and come up with one question. Why are timeshares allowed to operate the way they do. Its ridiculous. What do you do if you can’t afford to use it or afford the HOA fees because of the downturn of the economy. You’re just screwed I guess and none of the politicians give a crap. They don’t care that many people are completely deceived, as I was, by the timeshare people saying “Its an investment” and “You can sell it”. Check on line, some people are trying to give them away with no luck. So, I guess you are stuck even though you can’t afford the up keep.

  • MayaMay 7, 2014, 12:50 pm

    Innocent travelers get lured into buying a timeshare and pressured to sign a contract that doesn’t include any of the promises made by their salesman. People decide to buy a house or a car and do their research before purchasing one. However, no one ever gets up one day and decides to purchase a timeshare, so they have no idea about timeshare before purchasing one.

  • top lusoMay 2, 2014, 3:23 pm

    Easy to get in, extremely hard to get out without loosing your shirt.

  • Publius2kApril 8, 2014, 3:41 pm

    In my opinion timeshares are inherently a scam.

  • SoniaApril 4, 2014, 3:37 pm

    lamentablemente esto es real, destruyen la reputacion y el turismo de un pais tan bonito!

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