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Is Timeshare SCAM? Realities of theTimeshare Industry

Is Timeshare SCAM? Realities of theTimeshare Industry
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The Timeshare industry is known for being very susceptible to scams.  Year after year, thousands of people around the world feel they were scammed by a timeshare developer.

The reason why fractional ownership is successful, is that shared properties have become a tremendously profitable way for resorts to sell real estate, mostly suites in important tourist destinations.

On the other hand, despite their success, timeshares have gained a bad reputation. 

Is Timeshare Scams?

Timeshares are not scams. A timeshare is a fractional ownership that you can use during a specific time of the year. However, regardless of what the salespeople claim, a vacation property should not be considered a financial investment.

In most cases, the customer has to pay an initial price and periodic timeshare maintenance fees, which are likely to increase each year, therefore, a timeshare should only be considered as a vacation option.

 There are many complaints about timeshare, with the following being the most common:

  •  Timeshares are overpriced
  • Timeshares depreciate over time
  •  Timeshares don’t deliver what salesmen promise
  • Timeshare maintenance and assessment fees increase constantly
  • They don’t guarantee a vacation.  You don’t have to own a timeshare to travel
  • Timeshares are not flexible, in fact, you are subject to numerous conditions and restrictions
  • Timeshares are not easy to sell, in fact, it is almost impossible to sell a timeshare
  • Timeshare weeks are very difficult to rent

Because of the numerous timeshare complaints, many people believe that timeshares are scams.

Before making any purchase, it is important to read your contract very carefully, ask as many questions as possible, research the company and understand how timeshares work. Visit our article on how timeshares work?. to learn more about them.  


The Sales Tactics

Most timeshare companies are legitimate, but they are also known for using frightening tactics to sell vacation memberships.

Nevertheless, these sales practices are not really illegal, but they are without doubt unethical.

Sellers often encourage vacationers to attend timeshare presentations by offering them attractive prices and discounts, in fact, timeshare scams are easy to spot when the sales tactics are hard-core and high-pressure.

Even so, there are many people who enjoy attending timeshare sales presentations just to get the freebies, but a considerable percentage end up buying a vacation membership, even though that wasn’t their first intention, and very few of them know their timeshare cancellation rights.

Do not underestimate the ability of timeshare salespeople to sell vacation memberships.

They do this every day, and they do their job very well. That being said, timeshares are scams only when the sales tactics are unethical and high-pressure.

Also, do not believe everything you hear, if it’s not written in the contract, it’s an invalid affirmation.

To know more about fake promises told at timeshare sales pitches, visit our article Timeshare Scams: 8 Common Lies Told at the Sales Presentation.

There are many resorts that use fraudulent tactics to sell vacation memberships.

Visit our Black List of Timeshare Fraud Resorts to learn about the most fraudulent timeshare companies in Mexico.

are timeshares scams

A Dead End for Many

Is timesharing a scam? The truth is that Timeshare scams are increasing, and every day more victims fall for them.

Fortunately, there are many solutions to get rid of an unwanted timeshare; however, the best way to dump a timeshare is by canceling the contract.

Timeshare cancellation has many advantages, but the most important is that once the contract is properly cancelled, there are no further responsibilities attached to the resort.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we care, and to prove this to you, we guarantee our results by offering you a contingency fee.

If we achieve the results promised, we get paid; if not, you do not spend any more money on your timeshare claim. This is our commitment to you. 

Contact MTS for a free consultation and full advice on how to get out of timeshare legally and get a final relief from your vacation ownership.

To receive more information about timeshare scams and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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Timeshare Companies: The Truth About Them

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  • Benjamin Marzo 17, 2016, 5:50 pm

    Digamos que no son una buena inversion..en mi propia experiencia les puedo decir que lo que cuesta un tiempo compartido es muchisimo dinero a lo que en verdad podras usarlo , de verdad es una pesima inversion , y de la mano esta que no te dejen ir , es cuando entra el problema de los contratos a la hora de querer cancelarlos, mi consejo es que no adquieran uno.

  • AlonsoNovember 30, 2015, 10:45 am

    Antes no lo creia , pero despues de que pase por una situacion con un tiempo compartido mi perspectiva cambio , yo perdi mucho dinero en esto de los tiempos compartidos por lo cual ya no quiero saber nada que tenga que ver con tiempos compartidos, condominios, etc , en conclusion pierdes mas de lo que ganas, no es muy buena inversion que digamos.

  • Carmelita July 13, 2015, 9:58 am

    Hello people, i dont know if all resorts are scam , but for own experience i believe that yes , months ago i went to a timeshare presentation in mexico , pueblo bonito resort, we went convinced to buy some weeks, at that moment we were not interested, the salesperson grew angry and then say something bad to us. i think what , really? so timeshare investment is not a good deal thought..

  • manuMarzo 16, 2015, 1:27 am

    of course they are...My mistake was to let me go with this , cuz it was so cheap, but I did not know and do not read well the contract ,the annuities exceed by these people are so ridiculous you have to pay very high fees ! ..the trouble is that as I did sign the contract remaining , the only way to be ok with them is paying,, be very careful here with these people

  • Benjamin HughesDecember 11, 2014, 10:49 pm

    sadly, most of the time, they are.. it's a hard environment!!! be careful

  • LilianaAugust 11, 2014, 9:58 am

    Claro que lo son!!! comenzando con todas las mentiras que dice el vendedor para poder hacerte firmar!!

  • Publius2kMay 3, 2014, 11:11 am

    In my opinion timeshares are inherently a scam.

  • AnnaApril 15, 2014, 7:34 am

    Timeshare resale treachery is all over the country. Florida has an ordinance that disallows these companies from taking money up front. The state attorney General of Florida, helped me get my money back. There are some very unscrupulous companies in California that need some kind of restrictive ordinance or law, with some kind of California State Attorney General action and, effective enforcement. I hate to admit I have fallen four times for various companies sales pitch. Each one sounds like the caller just left church and this is the real thing. No way they all lie.
    We need a California or Federal law/action. repayment to be required from those companies to those of us stupid enough in desperate times, to get involved with them.

  • EstebanApril 13, 2014, 7:56 pm

    lo sooooon, no por nada hay tantos testimoniales de gente que cayo en sus fraudes, cuidense!!

  • MarcelaMarzo 28, 2014, 3:11 pm

    yo creo que en parte la gente deberia estar conciente de lo que es y no comprarlo tan a la ligera

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