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Timeshare Sales Agreement

Timeshare Sales Agreement
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The Timeshare industry has always given much to talk about; the truth is that some people love it, some people hate it, and the reality is that the sales are still on the rise. 

What is it about timeshare   ownership that causes such incredible controversy? Read this article to learn how timeshare sales agreements work, and why so many people want to get rid of them.

Timeshare Purchase

In order to get a sale done, timeshare salespeople tell the prospective buyers that they’re making a great investment by getting a fractional ownership, but, is timeshare a good investment? The truth is that it is not even an investment, in fact, it should only be considered a purchase, being that it doesn’t have any possibility of financial growth.

It is also important to highlight, that timeshare purchases have also been considered by many financial experts, as one of the worst purchases you could ever make.

They are way too expensive, and even if the unit is paid in full, the owner is still attached to the monthly payments, such as maintenance and membership fees.



Timeshare Sales Agreement

A timeshare sales agreement is the contract that you get at the moment you purchase a fractional ownership.

Most timeshare companies make them long and difficult to understand, so the buyer doesn’t know well what he is getting into, and the terms and conditions are especially made to benefit the resort, but not the owner.

The timeshare sales agreement gives you the right to use the resort, for a certain number of years or for a specific number of weeks.

That means that the developer still owns the resort, so your interest would not be considered real estate.

Also, it is very likely that most of the verbal promises made during the presentation are not in the contract, and many of the agreements have no cancellation policy.

Reasons to Get Rid of the Sales Agreement

There are many reasons to get rid of a timeshare sales agreement; however, these are the most important:

  • The timeshare maintenance fees increase considerably each year
  • The chances of reselling the timeshare are almost nonexistent
  • The timeshare was sold under deceptive sales tactics 
  • You will not be able to use it
  • There are no possibilities for renting the timeshare

timeshare sales agreement

Timeshare Cancellation

The best solution to get rid of a timeshare sales agreement is by canceling the contract.  Timeshare cancellation offers you the opportunity to cut the strings attached to the resort in a secure and efficient way. 

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we assist timeshare purchasers who have become victims of a timeshare scam.

Contact MTS today for a free consultation to discuss the possibility to cancel your timeshare, with no upfront fees.

To receive more information about timeshare sales agreements and how of canceling your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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Leave your comment below and share your opinion with us.Are you having troubles with your timeshare sales agreement? To know more about time shares visit:

Timeshare agreement: Is it a fair contract?

Timeshare: Why the heck did we sign for one?

How to get out of timeshare

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  • Adrian SepulvedaMarzo 24, 2016, 10:20 am

    No crean enningun acuerdo que el resort les brinde, mucho menos en las personas encargadas de vender tiempo compartido , mi esposa y yo caimos con la promesa de que tendriamos acceso a todos los servicios del hotel , cosa que desde la primera ves NO FUE ASI, despues nos estaba pidiendo un "upgrade" el cual costaba casi lo mismo de lo que pagamos cuando compramos el tiempo compartido , es vil robo lo que hacen , mi experiencia fue con royal holiday , no les recomiendo para nada involucrarse en esto .

  • Roger OrtizJune 6, 2015, 1:25 pm

    The only thing that the Timeshare salesellers want is your money at all coast, so the better option is to avoid all of this type of scams, if you dont read carefully the contract you are messed up , for own experience believe me that the better option is to avoid timeshare, those people are experts on scam tourists.

  • Eduardo January 17, 2015, 12:11 am

    Miren yo tuve una muy mala experiencia en mazatlan ,mexico , actualmente vivo en estados unidos con mi familia , soy de mazatlan ,lo cual fui con mi esposa a vacacionar a mi tierra y mi esposa se entusiasmo tanto en un tiempo compartido que a fin de cuentas acepte en adquirir uno ..al principio todo muy bien , ya despues fueron saliendo problemas como los altos costos de mantenimiento y me estba cobrando demasiado por una membresia que ni adquiri, el peor del caso es que casi nunca estaba disponible , me daban opcions de muy mala calidad y cobrandome lo mismo , un total fraude, el hotel donde me paso esto fue en CID

  • RichOctober 11, 2014, 11:45 am

    Upfront fee companies are one of the top consumer scams being reported in the US. If you need to sell a timeshare, take the same care you would as if you were selling your home. It may take five minutes of time to google "no upfront fee timeshare broker" or "free timeshare valuation", - but five minutes is much cheaper than sending hundreds or thousands of dollars to some upfront fee company who promises you the sun, moon, & stars

  • daisySeptember 23, 2014, 7:55 am

    Do you have any suggestions on how to dispose a timeshare? I’ve tried selling it even below my purchase price but there are no takers.
    Appreciate your help. Thanks.

  • GwynnSeptember 15, 2014, 11:38 am

    They robbed me. They pretended that they were with Mayan customer service and ended up getting $3,000.00 from me. One guy said his name was Tom. This is a horrible thing they are doing and I really don't know what I can do about it now. Losing this money caused my husband to leave me. I don't know what I am going to do. Can anyone help me?

  • KellySeptember 14, 2014, 11:50 am

    it's a big mistake to purchase a timeshare thinking that you can resale it.. that's IMPOSSIBLE

  • PaulinaAugust 11, 2014, 8:52 am

    no existe ningun acuerdo, ellos hacen lo que se les antoje al final

  • JPAugust 5, 2014, 12:53 pm

    I have a problem with cancelling a timeshare contract. I feel that we did not receive the service that was promised at the start of the contract in 2007 and cancelled by letter in January 2009. Also stopped the debit orders every month, as they continue trying. They keep calling and sending final demands, asking me to send the cancellation letter and other correspondence, but when I resend the letter and other email correspondence with my reasons, nobody gets back to me. Then, after a few months, they just start calling again and sending threats of final demands. What can I do?

  • egoJuly 28, 2014, 9:18 am

    What do I need to see in the contract to know I'm not scammed?

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