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How to Terminate Ownership of a Time Share

How to Terminate Ownership of a Time Share
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Let’s admit it: Time share scams are on the rise, and trying to get out of the contract can be a big headache! The truth is, however, that a time share can be a good-quality purchase for those who enjoy revisiting the same vacation spot every year, but certainly not for most people.

Unfortunately, timeshare presentations are awfully stressful, and most people who attend one of them end up signing the contract without even knowing what they are getting into. You might be one of those people.

Read the following paragraphs to learn more on how to terminate ownership of a time share.

Time share Ownership

Before getting started, we first have to understand how fractional ownership works.

Timeshare ownership is basically the right to use the resort for a certain number of years—usually from 5 to 50— during a specific week of the year.

It is very important to highlight that a time share is a purchase and not a financial investment, given that you have to pay the initial purchase price plus the periodic timeshare fees, whether you use your unit or not.

The Biggest complaints about time shares

These are the biggest and most common timeshare complaints:

  • The contract does not state clearly how to terminate ownership of a time share
  • You have to make reservations almost a year earlier to be able to use it
  • The salespeople sell it as the best time share, but it is the worst.


How to terminate ownership of a time share

These are the easiest ways to terminate a timeshare contract:

Sell your time share: Although it could be the easiest solution, the truth is that time shares are not easy to sell, in fact, it is almost impossible to sell a timeshare.

The resale market is low, and the supply exceeds the demand enormously.

Transfer your time share: Timeshare transfer is not an easy process, and it may be more trouble than it’s worth.

You have to find someone who is willing to take on your time share, and that can be an unfeasible task.

It also involves a lot of negotiations with the resort and some lawyers, which can take many years.

Donate your time share: Charity organizations are not taking time shares anymore for the simple reason that they are not willing to take on the yearly fees and other expenses that a time share might generate.

Time share cancellation

cancel timeshare

Without a doubt, timeshare cancellation is the best and easiest solution to get rid of an unwanted time share.

Once the contract is properly canceled, the strings attached to the resort will be gone forever.

Nevertheless, it is important to do the cancellation through the right people.

There are many timeshare cancellation professionals who ask for an upfront fee, and then they disappear.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we assist timeshare purchasers who were scammed fraudulent timeshare companies.

As specialists in the timeshare industry, we are committed to offering professional help in a fast, friendly and experienced service to clients.

We do not request any upfront fees, meaning if our associates cannot cancel your timeshare contract successfully, you do not pay us a penny.

Contact MTS today for a free consultation, and get out of your time share as soon as possible!

To receive more information about how to terminate an ownership of a time share, send a WhatsApp message to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the form in the contact section, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Cancel a timeshare – Tips to get rid of it  

Timeshare cancellation companies

how to get out of timeshare?


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  • ChristopherApril 13, 2014, 7:39 pm

    if i payed for a timeshare at least i want my money back!, so my option would be to sell it

  • CarmenApril 7, 2014, 7:31 am

    My timeshare is w/another co. that's bi-annual therefore I'm eligible to travel (haha) everyother yr. but they bill maint. fees in full every yr. Is anyone familiar with this same situation?

  • FABIAN MONTENEGROApril 4, 2014, 12:50 pm

    Compre en Wstgate Resort VIllas Orlando. alquien sabe si pierdo mi tarjeta de credito y cambio el numero puedo safar de pagar, no puedo cerrar mi debito automático con la tarjeta y no veo otra forma de cancelar ?

  • WendyApril 2, 2014, 3:37 pm

    cancelling it is your best choice ever, i know a lot of people who live stress because their timeshares

  • DanielaMarzo 28, 2014, 12:04 pm

    There are a number of organizations that accept deeded-timeshare donations. The organizations sell the intervals and then give the proceeds to one of their partner charities or to a charity you specify.

  • cashflowmantraMarzo 26, 2014, 11:46 am

    These are great reasons never to own a time share. Personally, I would not own one either. Just rent a house when you want to vacation.

  • NancyMarzo 26, 2014, 11:26 am

    I’ve never understood timeshares either but I do know a few people how have, use and enjoy theirs. Especially the ones where you can go anywhere. Often, though the facilities seem to be a little tired and out-dated or in less than thrilling parts of town.

  • KostasMarzo 26, 2014, 11:17 am

    Timeshares are generally poor investments but can be useful for vacations if you play the game properly.

  • hulahawaiMarzo 24, 2014, 9:13 am

    Do not buy a timeshare at Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach.......They will tell you lies to get you to buy at PBSB. My friend and I bought since we thought this place was amazing. We purchased a timeshare so we can enjoy PBSB and more again and agan. We signed a contract that gave us 100 points (1 week) every year to use at PBSB or anywhere through RCI. We were told we would have to only pay the matainence fee every other year. We were also told that if we did not want to go to PBSB we could exchange our 1 week for 2 weeks at any place offered through RCI. We were given 3 bonus weeks to use for the next 3 years starting in 2011. It was an RCI Bonus week certificate.We tried to talk with someone while still in Mexico about canceling our contract after we read bad stories on the internet about the timeshare scams at PBSB. But nobody would really help us. They just had excuses to tell us. We returned Sept. 28th 2010. On Oct 1st we had an email sent to us from PBSB stating the "changes" to our contract. It stated that we would only get 50 points every signed by Dave Larson at PBSB. year and that we would have to pay the maintainence fee EVERY year. we then called RCI about using our bonus week cert. through RCI. When we called RCI they had no idea who we were. They said we needed to be a member in order to use the bonus weeks. And also pay an exchange fee. In order to be a member we would need to pay $98 a year and an exchange fee of $199. We were never told that we had to pay for RCI while in Mexico. So basically everything we signed on has not been true. And do not get the extra Pueblo Bonito Premier.....Its not a deal. The prices they show you are not what they are when you look yourself. Unless you go REALLY last minute. Our timeshare guy Alberto Gutierrez owns a yacht so believe me these people dont need your money.The contact numbers we were given is only long distance. So if you want to talk to them it costs more money. And when you email them if you get a response its a response that doesnt answer any of your questions. Go online and read all about Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach timeshare scams......It has happened MANY times. if our contract was what we originally agreed to we would not have a problem with PBSB. I would only reccomend friends and family to stay there if they stayed away from the timeshare people. I havent really read anything positive about buying a timeshare through PBSB.

    The Hotel is great.The staff is great. the food is great and the service is great. The only thing that keeps this place from being "THE BEST" is the false timeshares they sell...If its too good to be true then it is. Go on someone elses timeshare!! Or just book yourself.

  • SusanaMarzo 20, 2014, 4:01 pm

    lo mejor es cancelar el contrato porque igual creo que las demas opciones son aun mas complicadas..

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