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How to Verify if a Timeshare RENTAL COMPANY is LEGITIMATE

How to Verify if a Timeshare RENTAL COMPANY is LEGITIMATE
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Timeshare rental scams are one of the numerous timeshare scams that happen day by day.

There are several cases where the timeshare owner is scammed twice when trying to rent the
timeshare ownership, is for that reason, people must know how to verify if a timeshare rental company is legitimate.

When buying a timeshare, timeshare salespeople are very convincing about the idea of renting a timeshare, and people keep falling for the common scam that someone will rent the timeshare weeks for a profit to help pay for the timeshare, or even for a new timeshare. As mentioned before in:

Timeshare Properties

Time shares, are they a good purchase?

 Timeshare Rental: Is It a Good Option?

Owning a timeshare can be a big headache.

There are many timeshare fees involved, and sometimes, timeshare owners cannot afford them.

When this happens, people begin to think of a solution to give away the timeshare.

Renting a timeshare could be an option to consider if you don’t want to use your timeshare weeks, or are not able to use them.

But, it is not an easy task when you do it on your own, and most people look for timeshare rental companies.

How to Verify if a Timeshare Rental is Legitimate

There are several timeshare rental companies that claim to rent your timeshare successfully, but most of these timeshare rental companies are not trustworthy because the promises are huge and there are no results.

There are two red flags that can make a timeshare rental scam apparent:

1. Unsolicited phone calls

2. Upfront fees

Most timeshare rental companies have telemarketers who contact timeshare owners who want to rent their properties.

They always ask for an upfront fee and claim to give you a profit, but most of these companies end up being fraudulent.

A legitimate timeshare rental will not require you to pay fees in advance before deciding to rent your timeshare.

They will not contact you by phone; they will wait until you contact them.


 What to Do If a Timeshare Rental Does Not Work

Renting a timeshare is not as easy as it sounds, it becomes almost as difficult as selling it, that’s why timeshare rentals are not the best solution.

It is very hard to find someone to rent out your timeshare ownership, so this is not really an option.

If you own a timeshare you don’t want anymore, the most effective way to get rid of it is by canceling the timeshare contract.

Timeshare cancellation is the easiest way to dump a timeshare, and besides that, it is also the most effective solution.

Without a doubt, the cancellation of a timeshare contract has many advantages, among which are: no more fees, no more attachments to the resort, no more responsibilities, no more debt, etc.

There are several timeshare cancellation companies, but still, many people don’t trust these companies, and this is completely understandable because the timeshare industry is full of scammers.

You have to remember that to cancel a timeshare, you don’t have to pay an upfront fee.

Mexican Timeshare Solutions is a legitimate company that does not charge any upfront fees.

Do not waste your time or your money anymore.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, our goal is to assist timeshare purchasers who feel they were scammed or taken advantage of.

As specialists in the timeshare industry, we offer timeshare help with a fast service.

Our associates have several years of experience in the timeshare industry.

Do not hesitate; contact us for a free consultation and get relief from your timeshare.

To receive more information about how to verify if a timeshare rental company is legitimate and how to cancel a timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the form in the contact section, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Timeshare Rentals = Timeshare Fraud

EXECUTIVE PROPERTIES – Timeshare Rental Scam

Timeshare Companies: The truth about them

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  • Ademir N.August 10, 2015, 10:31 am

    Hi there, my parents actually have a bad situation in relation about timeshare field, they bought some months ago a timeshare on cancun, mexico but the salespeople wont let them to cancel it , they cant afford all the maintenance fees so they want to quit , but seems like kinda impossible, what they can do? really they need help.

  • joseph muffinJune 26, 2015, 3:52 pm

    What's worst with these timeshare scams is that they victimized usually those owners who wanted to extract some amount even though they cannot recover the full cost before dumping their timeshare property. So, for some timeshare owners wanting to get rid of their units, beware!

  • Thomas VMay 21, 2015, 2:27 pm

    My parents had a timeshare and they lied to them about everything imaginable. My parents are pretty nieve so they sort of believe anything, unfortunately. First of all after you pay them, you can never get ahold of them again. NO PHONE CALLS, NO EMAIL. It’s like they do not exist. They stole their time and their money. It was an absolute nightmare situation for them! I felt so bad for them and so mad that they were being taken advantage of that I took it upon myself to help them get out of there timeshare. I contacted a lawyer and they fixed all my parents problems in a timely manner. If you are having the same nightmarish experience like they were, I HIGHLY recommend you check out (website redacted) and get yourself an attorney and out of the nightmare!

  • Patricia LopezApril 13, 2015, 2:53 am

    con ellos nunca se sabe, todo lo que envuelve tiempos compartidos siempre puede ser una grandisima estafa, si compraste uno, te estafa el resort, si lo quieres rentar, te estafa la compañia de renta, no hay salida en esto, lo mejor es alejarnos de los tiempo compartidos, y no jugar con fuego

  • MarianaMarzo 16, 2015, 12:12 pm

    a mi me pedian pagar por adelantado, como estaba tan desesperada por rentar mi semana pense que igual podria confiar, ademas eran una empresa "confiable", asi que les pague, y espere que hicieran su trabajo, me dijeron que no era algo de la noche a la mañana asi que espere y espere, y me quede esperando porque hasta ahora no han hecho nada, hace mas de 1 año y siguen sin darme noticias... ayudenme

  • liloMarzo 16, 2015, 12:58 am

    is very difficult to know that , some people notice about what resorts are legitimate, but even knowing that , all resorts want your money , to stole in big quantities , so my advice and for own experiences is to dont get near about timeshare business, if you want to be safe, just stay away

  • ramon f.Marzo 9, 2015, 10:30 am

    Ahora en dia parece que este tipo de estafas estan mas de moda que unos años atras,los resorts estan empezando a dar mas enfasis en vender sus tiempos compartidos, y como es claro , a toda cosata buscan a clientes potenciales que los puedan adquirir , sobre todo personas que sean extranjeras , tuve unos amigos que los engañaron vilmente y cayeron en la trampa y compraron un tiempo compartido con ellos, a lo que me contaron es que siempre cada cierto tiempo les pedian que pagaran por unos servicios que ellos no usaban y que las cuotas de mantenimiento eran exageradamente costosas, muy mal de estas personas estar engañando a turistas que solo quiere vacacionar comodamente.

  • TayloreMarzo 2, 2015, 9:02 am

    its better not to use a timeshare rental company, and try to cancel, if you make the same mistake as me, then you must know that timeshares aren't an investment, if you were scammed or you can't pay it anymore, you have to get rid of it, because trying to rent it, it's going to be impossible

  • Samuel HartFebruary 20, 2015, 1:48 pm

    it's obvious, when you were scammed by a timeshare resort once, you'll probably be scammed twice, cause they think that it's just too easy, because you're desperate! the only thing we have to do is to inform ourselves about everything about it, and then take a decision

  • MarziaFebruary 19, 2015, 5:27 pm

    most of the timeshare rental companies i've contacted ask payments upfront, i don't trust them.
    i have 5 years with my timeshare, and i want to rent it because i can't pay it anymore and i'm not able to use it,
    if it wasn't possible to rent it, my option would be to cancel it, so if you guys can help me, i will appreciate it

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