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CANCEL TIMESHARE CONTRACT: Conditions Given by The Resort

CANCEL TIMESHARE CONTRACT: Conditions Given by The Resort
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When timeshare owners decide that they no longer want their timeshares, sometimes the first thing they do is contact the resort to cancel the contract. But the resort gives them a lot of conditions to cancel timeshare contract.

We know that timeshares are not good investments at all because they have no value.

A timeshare may work if your plan is vacationing to the same resort every year, but still, you will pay more for the timeshare than vacationing on your own. You can learn a little bit more about timeshares at:

Buy timeshares – What’s the big risk about it?

Timeshares, are they a good purchase?

Is timeshare a good investment?

 “Do you Want to Cancel your Timeshare? Don’t Worry, Just Pay Us”

Some owners realize that they cannot afford a timeshare after they made the purchase, and sometimes they decide to contact the resort to give back the timeshare or to simply cancel the contract.

But the timeshare resorts don’t accept timeshare cancellations that easy, they will give you many conditions to cancel your timeshare, being the next the most popular.


Conditions Given by The Resort to Cancel Timeshare Contract

1. - Timeshare downgrade: Most of the time, when a timeshare owner asks for a timeshare cancellation, the resort will offer a timeshare downgrade, which means lower the level of the membership, that way you will pay “less” for the timeshare fees, making the payments more affordable.

2. - Stop the charges: Some resorts offer timeshare owners who want to cancel to stop making the charges of the timeshare maintenance fees for a period of 6 months, some others offer until 1 year. This is with the condition to not cancel the timeshare.

3. - Pay a percentage: When the resort agrees to cancel the timeshare membership, they don’t do it for free; they tell the owners that they have to pay a percentage of the total amount of the timeshare ownership.The percentage can vary from 35% to 50%, depending on the timeshare resort.

The above are the most common conditions given by the resort to cancel timeshare contract, but there can be more.

As you can see, the timeshare resort will not let you go away from your timeshare that simple.

Besides, they don’t care if you are not able to afford the payments or whichever is your situation; if you don’t pay, they will send you to a collection agency.

 How to Cancel a Timeshare Contract Regardless of the Resort?

If you tried to cancel your timeshare directly with the resort ,and they gave you one of those conditions to cancel a timeshare, but none convinces you, there is a good solution: hire a timeshare attorney.

If you hire a timeshare lawyer, he or she can help you cancel your timeshare contract without dealing with the resort. They will do all the work and all the negotiations for you.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we specialize in timeshare cancellations. We have very experimented associates that can offer you help in fast.

Contact us to get a consultation on your timeshare situation and see how we can work together to cancel your timeshare contract.

Best of all, we do not charge anything upfront, and the consultation is totally free. It is time to get rid of your timeshare.

To receive more information about cancel a timeshare contract, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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If you want to know more about cancelling timeshares, visit:

How to get out of a timeshare?

How to terminate ownership of a timeshare

How to give away a timeshare

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  • KateJuly 14, 2019, 2:43 pm

    I want to quit asap !we dont want to pay anymore the insane maintenance fees, please help!

  • Martin Aguirre February 21, 2019, 8:17 pm

    Realmente durante la presentacion no leimos a fondo el contrato, ya que los mismos vendedores se encgan de distraerte y de disfrutes lo mas pronto posibl de tu membresia, por experiencia esto del tiempo copmartido es un fraude total, no caigan .

  • Daniela NavaSeptember 8, 2018, 7:56 pm

    Realmente todas esas condiciones que te dicen durante la presentacion de tiempo compartido son muy engañosas, solo mencionan ciertos aspectos sin entrar a detalle, nosotros estamos teniendo problemas con nuestra membresia de tiempo compartido y puedo decir que es una estafa, no caigan en su juego.

  • Iris AraizaAugust 5, 2018, 10:00 pm

    Nosotros al igual que muchas personas caimos en todo su juego de la presentacion de tiempo compartido y terminamos firmando contrato, nos dijeronque podriamos cancelar cuando quisieramos, despues nos dijeron que solo teniamos 5 dias para hacerlo, llegando a casa nos dimos cuenta que no queriamos continuar con el contrato, llamamos por telefono pero no nos resolvieron, como ya han pasado los 5 dias ahora no quieren cancelar el contraro y ya no lo queremos.

  • Roberto February 19, 2018, 10:51 pm

    Realmente los resorts no hacen nada por ayudarte a cancelar la membresia, al contrario, lo unico que quieren es que sigas de por vida con ellos, lo mas recomendable es que no firmen nada de contratos despues de la presentación, por propia experiencia no se los aconsejo para nada.

  • James S.Marzo 5, 2017, 11:36 pm

    Thanks for share, people please dont hesitate trying cancelling your timeshare with the resort, they always going to find a way to avoid that possibility, for own experience we just contact this site and they were the only ones that really helped us after many many tries , good luck

  • Jaime D.November 21, 2016, 6:46 am

    Nosotros aun sabiendo todo esto , las personas de los resorts con muy engañosas, no se tientan el corazon en robarte a manos llenas, nosotros tenemos un contrato con royal holiday y creanme que estamos muy arrepentidos, es mucho dinero para tan poco , en mi opinion un tiempo compartido es una perdida de dinero , hay otras formas de vacacionar.

  • Beto MancillasAugust 8, 2016, 11:03 am

    Por propia experiencia les puedo decir que todos los terminos y condiciones de uso que te dan en el contrato son puras mentiras, despues te salen con mil cosas , sobre todo no cumplir con lo estipulado y no puedes usar, el tiempo compartido cuando quieras . piensenlo 2 veces antes de adquir un tiempo compartido!

  • Marco SenFebruary 29, 2016, 10:45 am

    My parents tried to cancel their timeshare in time, but guess what ? they couldnt make it, resorts are so protected by ssome kind of laws that we cannot understand, fortunately my parents finally cancelled their timeshare with a mexican resort, (Mayan palace Vallarta) just be careful before sign something witha resort.

  • RamiroFebruary 16, 2016, 10:36 am

    Even if the resort tell you that dont trust on them ! the best way is to read the contract carefully , for own experience timeshare contracts are very tricky so in my opinion dont let the resort to enfold you on their trap , good luck

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