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Is it Possible to CANCEL a TIMESHARE Directly With The Resort?

Is it Possible to CANCEL a TIMESHARE Directly With The Resort?
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Mexico is the second country with most timeshare developers in its main tourist centers like Cancun, Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta, Nuevo Vallarta, Los Cabos, Mazatlan, Cozumel, etc.

These destinations offer a lot of temptations that make it difficult to refuse to buy timeshares, besides the hard sell tactics timeshare salespeople uses.

But, what happens if you choose to cancel the contract? Is it possible to cancel a timeshare directly with the resort?

Your right as a consumer is to cancel your timeshare if you do not want it.

That’s why you have a 5 days rescission period, to save you from the pressure exercised by the salesman and to think if that is the way you want to travel.

Learn more about the 5 business day’s rescission period:

Business days to cancel a timeshare contract in Mexico

When can you cancel a timeshare contract?

How long do I have to rescind my timeshare? – Mexican Law

Why Do People Keep Falling For Timeshare Scams?

Shortly, a timeshare is a space to take a vacation in a resort; you are not buying a property, you only buy the right to use your week once a year, and also you have to pay timeshare maintenance fees plus an annual fee.

The problem comes when a tourist purchase in spite of not having all the information, because they are dazzled in the timeshare presentation with the false promises made by a timeshare salesperson looking for a juicy commission.

Nor we can say that timeshares are bad, but there are many things you need to take in consideration like your economic stability and if you would like to travel to the same destination every year.

Many people decide to cancel their timeshares because they cannot afford the payments or because they prefer to travel on their own, or they were victims of high pressure sales tactics.


Is it Possible To Cancel a Timeshare Directly With The Resort?

Once you sign the timeshare agreement, you have 5 business days to cancel your timeshare contract.

If you do within the stipulated time, the resort has the obligation to give you back the money you paid with no penalization.

Some timeshare owners decide to cancel by phone and the resort says that they will call them, but that never happens and when the owner calls again they say he missed the right to cancel.

Some other resorts just deny you the right to cancel and offer you a downgrade.

If you try to cancel and the resort refuses to do it, you can fill a complaint with PROFECO. Most cases are well resolved.

To accomplish the cancellation process, it is important to send a timeshare cancellation letter within the 5 days, and keep evidence that you send it on time. Your money should be returned and your contract fully canceled.

How to Cancel When my Rescission Period Has Expired?

If you tried to cancel, but your cancellation period has already expired, the best thing you can do is to hire a timeshare lawyer.

He or she has the ability to resolve your situation efficiently.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions we specialize in timeshare cancellations. We have a team of timeshare cancel professionals who are able to handle cases involved with the timeshare industry.

It does not matter when you purchase, we can offer you help in fast. Contact us today for a free consultation and find out how to cancel your timeshare contract.

To receive more information about if it is possible to cancel a timeshare directly with the resort, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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To know more about timeshare cancellation, visit:

Timeshare Cancellation Rights: How many days do I have?

What are the rescission laws for timeshares in Mexico?

Cancel Timeshare Contract

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  • DULCE MA. HERRERAApril 5, 2017, 10:46 pm

    Asistimos a los famosos desayunos que invitan en el FIESTA AMERCIANA DE ACAPULCO, en el año 2014 y ahi, comenzo nuestro via crucis... a la fecha hemos pagado aproximadamente $200,000 pesos, y nada de lo que no ofrecieron ha sido verdad, las fabulosas vacaciones jamas han acurrido.. en estos tres años solo pudimos ir a Veracruz, Ver. los demande en la PROFECO, sin que ellos pudieran hacer nada, la abogada de este grupo me ofrecio cancelar el contrato sin devolverme nada de lo que he pagado, aunado a esto me acaban de cargar a mi tarjeta otros 20,000 pesos ... estoy harta... es un callejon sin salida, asi lo veo ... por lo que les pido que me apoyen con su gran experiencia.. para salir de esto. atte. Sra. Dulce Ma. Herrera

  • Horacio VillaseñorDecember 11, 2016, 4:39 pm

    Como lo mencionan algunas personas en los comentarios, cuando recien compras te dicen que si , que cuando uno quiera puede cancelar , la verdad es que solo dan 5 dias para hacerlo.. el problema es que cuando compras la pepeleria del contrato etc no la tienen lista y te la envian a tu domicilio semanas o meses despues, esto les paso a un amigo mio, de esa forma sin los papeles no puedes hacer nada, saludos!

  • DAVID ROMANDecember 1, 2016, 9:12 pm

    Firmé un contrato de tiempo compartido hace una semana: el jueves 24 de noviembre de 2016. ¿Me pueden ayudar a cancelarlo?

  • NormNovember 28, 2016, 9:43 am

    We had a time share with costa sur not sure who they were affiliated to any ways this was approx. 10 years ago, the next year we went to a presentation with Mayan where they told us that they would sell the old time share and put money towards new purchase with the Mayan .Well that didn't happen so the next year went to Mayan told them couldn't afford any more so they down graded us to the Sea Gardens we paid it out I think $8,000 used it twice, and we have since build a home here in Mexico and have no need or use of a time share.I have used a broker twice both times had to pay a up front fee for them to sell scamed again I think at this point were just going to quit all maintenance fees and chalk this up to a stupid deal. But any suggestions would be looked at but sceptical.

  • Rose72November 6, 2016, 10:34 pm

    Really Not, they told you that you could cancel at anytime , but is NOT true , actually we are looking for the cancellation 2 years later but the resort does not want to be responsible, for advice please dont get involved with timeshares.

  • Rosa Isela October 21, 2016, 10:28 pm

    Cuando compramos nos dijeron que si , que en cualquier momento podriamos cancelarlo sin problemas, nos confiamos y a los meses cambiamos de parecer y quisimos cancelar, y no se pudo , nos mostraron el contrato y en la clausula menciona que solo 5 dias tienes para cancelar, pero mentiras ! ya que los papeles nos los hicieron llegar hasta 1 mes despues , tengan mucho cuidado

  • Arturo VillaSeptember 2, 2016, 4:07 pm

    En teoria lo es , pero no crean nunca nada de lo que les dicen en el resort, todo es una farsa, mejor para evitarse malos tragos , no compren tiempos compartidos, mi esposa y yo la estamos pasando muy mal con uno en royal holiday cancun . tengan mucho cuidado con esas lacras !

  • Rafael acevedo August 8, 2016, 10:59 am

    Al menos para mi esposa y yo nos fue imposible, estando dentro de los 5 dias de cancelacion nos dieron largas y los 5 dias pasaron , tardamos cerca de 1 año intentando cancelar hasta que dimos con este sitio, esperamos que ahora si podamos cancelar, una estafa total eso de los tiempos compartidos, no caigan en ellas !

  • Rodrigo Moreno ReynosoJuly 27, 2016, 10:18 pm

    deseo cancelar dos tiempos compartidos que adquiri en una época de abundancia economica, ya no quiero seguir tirando mi dinero a la basura, uno lo pague de contado $98,000 pesos, sólo pago mantenimientos (no he pagado este año ni lo pienso hacer) y el otro lo compré en $130,000, con el aumento del precio del dólar el pago se fue al cielo, aún debo mensualidades que en total dan más de U$ 3,400 dólares americanos. Cuanto cobran x sus servicios y cuanto podrían recuperar. gracias

  • Luis Reynoso July 25, 2016, 10:29 am

    Yo lo intente y no me fue posible, primero me dieron largas, espere y nada , al final me dieron entender que no se podria cancelar , asi que opte por buscarle por fuera, el problema es que me sale tambien muy caro cancelarlo con un abogado , necesito ayuda urgente.

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