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Is Timeshare a Good Investment?

Is Timeshare a Good Investment?
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Plain and simple: No, timeshares are a purchase and are not a financial or real estate investment. Learn how people are tricked into thinking that timeshares are a growing asset.

Timeshare is a good investment only if your purpose is to have a place to spend your vacations and not as a financial investment to make a profit.

We received a call a few weeks ago about a recent timeshare purchaser who was invited to a presentation while on vacations and bought a $20,000 USD villa for one week yearly. He asked us is timeshare worth it?

Timeshares need to be looked up as a purchase and not an investment.

Regardless of how timeshares are presented, they don't perform as well as a house or stock investment.

If you look around the resale market for timeshares on websites like eBay, Red Week, or TUG BBS will find that you can buy a timeshare for far less money than what the first owner purchased it for.


This is an answer to your question, "Are timeshares a good investment?" Here we show you a few of the reasons why timeshares are not a strong financial investment, including:

  • Many timeshares are a right to use; they have an ending period, so their value decreases trough time.
  • There are maintenance fees, property taxes and other annual costs associated with the purchase of a timeshare.
  • Timeshares are not attractive properties, and proof of this is that resorts need to offer incentives to attend a timeshare presentation.

A friend's advice would be to be cautious before making a purchasing decision.

Better yet, don't buy these that apply to you:

  • You love going back to the same place over and over again and are flexible as to the time of the year you travel.
  • You trust the managers of the property that they'll perform great maintenance on your property, and your maintenance fees will be well spent.
  • You have extra money to spend and don't mind buying a timeshare for $20,000.00 USD and selling if for a dollar (if lucky).

I have friends who have a timeshare at Mayan Palace and seem to enjoy it.

They know their best bet is to go back to their properties and avoid their sales presentations.

I asked them recently if they believed it was a good investment for them, and they replied: "it's paid for, gotta use it. Right?"

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we strive to give back freedom to people who purchased timeshares for the wrong reasons, such as financial investment.

Call us for a free consultation on how we can help you cancel your timeshare contract.

Remember, our service is risk-free, as we work based on results, so you do not waste any money paid up front.

To receive more information about whether a timeshare is a good investment and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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  • MarianJuly 24, 2013, 12:50 pm

    Why do you use the word "investment" when speaking about timeshare? Timeshares are nothing of the sort. The fact that timeshares are usually sold by touts should make that clear.

  • ErnestJuly 20, 2013, 8:39 am

    A timeshare will never be a good investment if you buy it thinking that your timeshare will leave you money, that is not the purpose of a timeshare, but to provide a comfortable holidays.

  • SandyJuly 10, 2013, 3:03 pm

    I bought a timeshare thinking that this would be a good investment but is not. Besides the maintenance fees I pay, when I've wanted to go on vacations they tell me there's no place to make a reservation and I couldn't use it propertly, I haven't even seen the benefits they told me I would have. I got this membership at Mayan Palace.

  • KauanJuly 3, 2013, 9:31 am

    I think timeshares are not an investment issue. A timeshare is a matter of fun. If I had the money, I would use it to get an annual week in a certain place, but I would never expect it to have an economic return.

  • VioletJune 13, 2013, 12:55 pm

    There are a lot of opinions about timeshares, most of them are that timeshares are scams, never investments and honesty I don't want to try

  • RichardMay 10, 2013, 9:09 am

    Long ago, a friend was insistent in sell his timeshare to me, by little I fall but my intuition at the end indicated tht it does not suit me. Well, I always inspired distrut. Besides that never were clear and that the conditions of being treated like a kings is what Im' looking for on vacations. Also, for my work sometimes I have a vacation, or sometimes I have up to 3 times a year.

  • LiliMarzo 1, 2013, 3:40 pm

    These people make use of all possible tricks and lies to convince you to listen to a lengthy discussion at the end where you have to pay thousands of dollars to "enjoy a unique price exclusive opportunity."

  • LyndaJuly 19, 2012, 12:51 pm

    Time shares are never a good investment. You can only use them for a certain time each year, and the upkeep payments on them are not worth it. When you go to sell them, you never get the price you paid. In the long run you'd be better off renting places in different locations each vacation. You aren't locked into one place that way.

  • calimesaJuly 19, 2012, 11:41 am

    Simply look at the resale market of people trying to dump their timeshares. These are not good investments. (I've not look at every single one offered, so I don't want to say that they are never good investments.)

    Stay away from their high-pressure sales meetings--forgo the free show tickets etc, or you may wind up paying a whole lot for them.

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