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The Royal, Gran Caribe Real, Gran Porto Real, Real

  Legal Name:
Razon Social: Club Real Resort S.A. de C.V.
  Resort sales locations
Localidades: Cancun, Playa del Carmen
Hotel Representatives:
Andres Garcia Blumentritt, Jose Luis Romano, Adriana Gutierrez, Isabel Ortiz, Yessica Altamirano, Art "Turi" Martinez, Lorena Salvatori, Gricelda Vielma Jurado, Hever Rebeles, Marcela Perez, Mariana Ceron, Jessica Juarez, Marcos Vallado, Elisa Pere

Common Complaints:

  • Salespeople claim that the all-inclusive fee is per night, when in reality it is per person per night
  • Promise to rent out their timeshare weeks as a financial investment and to pay off the membership. In reality, clients are referred to a third party agency that charges a listing fee and does not complete the rental.
  • Claims that Club Real was better than all timeshares and they are completely different because the salesperson can sell your weeks to other members and potential members who they have lined up ready to buy them.

Real Club Phone number:
Phone number +52 998 287 5792
Fax +52 998 287 4407
Fax EU & Canada 1 800 838 3014
Toll Free EU &Canadá 1 800 832 8033
Mexico Toll Free: 01 800 546 7438
Toll Free: 01 800 546 7435

To receive more information about Real Club Timeshare Complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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177 Complaints
  • ´skrApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    We purchased a real club membership in Cancun and it is not what we were told it would be. Feel that we have been a victim of timeshare fraud and would like to get rid of the timeshare. We purchased this on Nov, 24 2009.

  • CristinaApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    hola,compre una membresia RC en Cancun,hace 7 años,estoy por terminar de pagarla, pero no estamos muy agusto con esta.mi pregunta es,puedo recuperar algo de dinero.si cancelo ya que a mi no me interesa tenerla. se nos han cobrado mantenimientos que nos dijeorn que no nos iban a cobrar y las promesas de rentas no faltaron junto con el incumplimiento.

  • Eduardo SanchezApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    Compramos un tiempo compartido, pero ya no me es posible pagar, el tiempo compartido lo adquirimos hace 2 años y en realidad no se ha podido usar satisfactoriamente. ya hicimos de todo para poder cancelarlo y  en Real Club lo han estado evitando.

  • JeffreyApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    My wife andI signed up for an Real Club timeshare in November 2009. We were told that it was a "transfer" so the 5 day rescission applied to the original owner and not us. The next day we returned to the sales office to try to find a way to exit the contract, were kept waiting for two hours . We talked to the manager who told us there was nothing he could do to cancel the contract. Last year we ran into financial difficulty and stopped making payments. The account is now delinquent and has been sent to collections. We have paid $4k+ for a deposit and approximately $3k in other fees and have a $8k outstanding balance.

  • EstebanApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    deseariamos haber visto su pagina antes de involucrarnos con RC compramos una membresia con mucho trabajo y despues de 3 años terminamos e pagarla, creimos que ibamos a descanzar por fin de la deuda y nos informan que tenemos mantenimientos atrasados,durante la presentacion la vendedora nos dijo que noibamos a pagar ningun mantenimiento a menos que utilizaramos la membresia, como estabamso ahorrando para poder terminar de pagar el contrato no vaccionamos ni una solo vez en 3 años y ahora resulta que tenemos que pagar esos mantenimientos, realmente nos parece una injusticia.

  • Pedro HernandezApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    Estabamos de vacaciones en cancun y fuimos a una presentacion del Hotel Gran Caribe Real Cancun ya regresando me doy cuenta de que la tarifa que nos manejo la vendedora no es la real, que  es muy dificil poder hacer negocio con nuestras semanas y que somos muchos los que nos fraudearon. Por el momento no he hecho nada por que no se sconquien dirigirme, me gustaría recuperar mi dinero que son cerca de 30 mil pesos y no tener que deberles nada a estos sin verguenzas.

  • ALejandro CasaApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    Compre una membresia con Real Club en Cancún. Di un enganche de 4,500 dolares y me dijeorn un monton de cosas que a la hora de la verdad no son ciertas. No deseo continuar con el contrato, me pueden ayudar? les he escrito a los de real club solicitando finalizar el contrato pero no dan respuesta, son más de 100 semanas de las cuales no he utilizado ninguna. No es posible hacer el intercambio,definitivamente me estafaron y aun debo mas de 9,000 dolares.

  • NealApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    We purchased a time share at Real Club in Cancun and they were to take the other time share in Puerto Vallarta that we had in exchange for what we understood was half of the price. After we got home and after a couple of months we found out they did not take over the other time share and we are stuck with both time shares. Paying both off and the maintance fees and taxes.

  • SherriApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    I realize I have been scammed. I purchased a real club temporary membership in hopes that I could resell it, but the resale never worked out due to events, hampering deals.Can I get my money back?

  • LeonardApril 12, 2012, 10:16 am

    I bought Timehare last year from Real Club in Cancun Mexico. I cancel my contract in 5 days. But I never get refund. Then i filed my case to PROFECO and in first hearing the resort rep told that the contract which i showed for cancelation was false. I need help to get my money back.

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